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Intro to ATP

What is ATP ? How to get ATP?#

ATP is Alaya's native Token, similar to the native Token (ETH) of the ethereum blockchain. You can transfer it through the Alaya network or use applications built on Alaya with ATPs.

The smallest unit of account in the Alaya network is the Von, with each ATP equal to 1e18 Von

UnitDecimal PlacesATP per unit

Currently, you can obtain ATP by participating in the Grants Program supported by the LatticeX Foundation, Or you can follow up other community development programs to obtain ATP.

What's unique about ATP?#

ATP provides three key functions in Alaya.

  • ATP fuels and secures Alaya

When you transfer ATP or use a Alaya application, you need to pay a small ATP as fee. The fee is used to incentivizes the node to process and verify your transaction.

In the PPOS mechanism, ATP is of great importance to the network. With ATP, one can delegate to validators or become a validator by staking themselves, which help maintain Alaya network security. Both the validators and delegators can get ATP rewards. More about Alaya validators.

If you want to know more about the economic mechanism of ATP, click for more inforamtion.

  • ATP for Governance

The Alaya Network gives all ATP holders the right to participate in Alaya governance, including deciding on the direction of the Alaya Network, changing the underlying protocols and more.

For details on how holders can participate in governance, see the governance page.

ATP supports the development of Alaya DApp ecology

Alaya will further support the development of DApps and DeFi and introduce economic coupling designs for DApps and DeFi. For example, DApps can issue their own tokens which must be backed by ATP reserves. Alaya will also support the development of stable coins collateralized by ATP.

How to manage ATP?#

Alaya Wallet is an application for users to create and manage ATP account and interact with Alaya DApps. Users can easily hold or transfer ATP through the wallet.

Get a ATP Account

For beginners, the following wallet applications are recommended for creating an ATP account.

  • ATON - Mobile app wallet designed for iOS and Android platforms
  • Samurai - Web browser plugin wallet

The non-graphical tools MTool, AlayaCLI and Alaya-Truffle also support you in creating ATP accounts.

Please see the manual for your specific wallet/tool for the relevant ATP transfer operations.

Note: The above information is only a summary of resources and it does not mean that we are responsible for the security of the wallet.。

keeping your ATP safe

Alaya and ATP aren't controlled by any organizatio - they are decentralized. Therefore,ATP is open to everyone to use, which also means that you need to take the security of your funds seriously.

  • Responsible for your own funds

Centralized exchanges will link your wallet to a username and password that you can recover in a traditional way. You need to choose a trustworthy and safe exchange. If that exchange is attacked or folds, down, your funds are at risk.

  • Backup mnemonic & private key

Wallets will often give you a seed phrase or private key that you must write down somewhere safe. This is the only way you’ll be able to recover your wallet.

Examples of mnemonic words:

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Don’t store it on a computer. Write it down and keep it safe.

  • Check everything carefully

Please keep in mind that once a transaction is done, it cannot be reversed. a lost wallet cannot be easily retrieved. You cannot be too cautious.

Want to learn more about wallet security?

Where to browse ATP transactions?#

With the growth of network utilization, there will be more and more valuable information in the data on the chain. The block explorer can provide you with real-time data of browsing blocks, transactions, accounts, nodes and other activities on the chain.

  • AlayaScan - Alaya blockchain explorer and analysis platform, available in English and Chinese.

  • PlatEye