Getting started
OverviewThis tutorial is mainly to guide users to create a simple HelloWorld smart contract using wasm language on Alaya, compile, deploy, and call this contract through alaya-truffle.
alaya-truffle IntroductionAlaya-truffle is a tool provided by PlatON that can compile, deploy, and call smart contracts locally. For specific installation and usage manuals, refer to:
Alaya-truffle development tools installation
If the wasm compiler always fails to download due to network problems, you can go directly to github link address to download the compiled compressed file, then unzip it to the ~/.config/alaya-truffle/compilers directory, and soft link platon-cdt/bin/wasm-opt to the /usr/bin directory
Alaya-truffle development tool usage manuals
Create HelloWorld Contract#include <platon/platon.hpp>#include <string>using namespace platon;
class message { public: std::string head; PLATON_SERIALIZE(message, (head))};
class my_message : public message { public: std::string body; std::string end; PLATON_SERIALIZE_DERIVED(my_message, message, (body)(end))};
CONTRACT HelloWorld : public platon::Contract{ public: ACTION void init(const my_message &one_message){ info.self().push_back(one_message); }
ACTION void add_message(const my_message &one_message){ info.self().push_back(one_message); }
CONST uint8_t get_message_size(){ return info.self().size(); }
CONST std::string get_message_body(const uint8_t index){ return info.self()[index].body; }
private: platon::StorageType<"myvector"_n, std::vector<my_message>> info;};
PLATON_DISPATCH(HelloWorld, (init)(add_message)(get_message_size)(get_message_body))
Contract Files Description:
- Each contract file has only one contract class. The contract class is decorated with Contract. It must be publicly inherited from platon :: Contract and must have an init function.
- ACTION and CONST qualified member functions represent callable functions, and such member functions cannot be overloaded. The ACTION function will modify the data on the chain. The CONST function just queries the attributes and does not modify the data on the chain.
- The type in the callable function parameter list is a custom type. In this type definition, you need to add the PLATON_SERIALIZE macro to declare the serialization function. This type inherits from other types. You need to add the PLATON_SERIALIZE_DERIVED macro to declare the serialization function.
- Callable functions can only be called externally if the unified entry function is defined in the PLATON_DISPATCH macro.
- At present, platon will persistently store member variables of the contract class. The member variables must be of type platon :: StorageType. The first parameter string of the platon :: StorageType template is followed by _n, and the string must come from the 32 characters of .12345abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. The second parameter is the concrete type of the actual storage. To modify member variables, member functions need to obtain specific types of instances through the self() function, and then execute the corresponding instance functions.
- The second parameter type of the platon :: StorageType template is a custom type. A PLATON_SERIALIZE macro must be added to this type definition to declare a serialization function. This type inherits from other types. A PLATON_SERIALIZE_DERIVED macro must be added to declare a serialization function.
Compile HelloWorld ContractStep1. Create a new directory for a HelloWorld project
mkdir HelloWorld && cd HelloWorld
The following commands are performed in the HelloWorld directory if without special instructions
Step2. Initialize a project using alaya-truffle
alaya-truffle init
After the command is executed, the structure of the project directory is as follows:
Wasm contract directorymigrations/
dDirectory of the depolyment filetest/
Directory of test scriptstruffle-config.js
Alaya-truffle configuration file
Step3. Move the HelloWorld contract compiled under HelloWorld/contracts/
ls contracts/
You will see
Step4. Modify the alaya-truffle configuration file truffle-config.js
and add the compiled wasm contract version number
vim truffle-config.js
The modified contents of truffle-config.js
are as follows:
compilers: { wasm: { version: "v0.13.0" }}
Step5. Compile contract
alaya-truffle compile
After the command is executed, the structure of the project directory is as follows:
wasm: The directory of the wasm contract compiledbuild/contracts/HelloWorld.abi.json
: the ABI interface file of the HelloWorld contract compiledbuild/contracts/HelloWorld.wasm
: The binary file of the HelloWorld contract compiled
Deploly HelloWorld ContractStep1. Modify the configuration information of truffle-config.js
in the chain
vim truffle-config.js
Modify the blockchain-related configuration in truffle-config.js
to the chain configuration of your real connection:
networks: { development: { host: "", // Blockchain server host port: 8806, // Chain port number network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none) from: "atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp", gas: 999999, gasPrice: 50000000004, },}
networks: { development: { host: "", // blockchain server address port: 8806, // server port network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none) from: "atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp", gas: 999999, gasPrice: 1000000000, },}
step2. Unlock wallet account
Enter the alaya-truffle console
alaya-truffle console
Import the private key (you can skip this step if you have already imported it)
web3.platon.personal.importRawKey("Your wallet private key","Your wallet password");
web3.platon.personal.importRawKey("Your wallet private key","Your wallet password");
You will see the address corresponding to the private key after importing it:
Unlock wallet account
web3.platon.personal.unlockAccount('Your wallet address','Your wallet password',999999);
After unlocking it successfully, you will see the following information:
Step3. Deploy the HelloWorld contract
alaya-truffle deploy --wasm --contract-name HelloWorld --params '[[["1"], "2", "3"]]'
: Contract to be deployedparams
: Parameters of contract init function
After successful deployment, you will see log info as follows:
receipt: { blockHash: '0x266733b693ba650315a59c34e72804c06ca3e27fab145625797bd42259b572c5', blockNumber: 70441, contractAddress: 'atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx', cumulativeGasUsed: 291314, from: 'atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp', gasUsed: 291314, logs: [], logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', status: true, to: null, transactionHash: '0x60946ebf0ccddc76a0234353435de73e7901888227fb2f03922fb0ce265a4e9d', transactionIndex: 0 } contract HelloWorld deployed successfully======================
> transactionHash: 0x60946ebf0ccddc76a0234353435de73e7901888227fb2f03922fb0ce265a4e9d > contract address: atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx > block number: 70441 > block timestamp: 1583247148341 > account: atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp > balance: 3533694129556768659166595001485837031654967793751237866225582808584074296 > gas limit: 100000000 > gas used: 291314 > gas price: 0.000000050000000004 ATP > total cost: 0.014565700001165256 ATP
Call HelloWorld ContractStep1. Enter the alaya-truffle console
alaya-truffle console
You can execute the command in alaya-truffle console
Step2. Create contract object
var abi = [{"baseclass":[],"fields":[{"name":"head","type":"string"}],"name":"message","type":"struct"},{"baseclass":["message"],"fields":[{"name":"body","type":"string"},{"name":"end","type":"string"}],"name":"my_message","type":"struct"},{"constant":false,"input":[{"name":"one_message","type":"my_message"}],"name":"init","output":"void","type":"Action"},{"constant":false,"input":[{"name":"one_message","type":"my_message"}],"name":"add_message","output":"void","type":"Action"},{"constant":true,"input":[],"name":"get_message_size","output":"uint8","type":"Action"},{"constant":true,"input":[{"name":"index","type":"uint8"}],"name":"get_message_body","output":"string","type":"Action"}];var contractAddr = 'atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx';
var helloworld = new web3.platon.Contract(abi,contractAddr,{vmType: 1 });
is the interface provided by the contract for external calls. The abi corresponding to each contract can be found in the compiled file, such as:HelloWorld/build/contracts/HelloWorld.json
: There is a contract address after the contract is successfully deployedhelloWorld
is the abstraction of contract objects constructed to interact with on-chain contracts
Step3. Call contract
helloworld.methods .add_message('[[["5"], "6", "7"]]') .send({ from: 'atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp', gas: 999999 }) .on('receipt', function (receipt) { console.log(receipt) }) .on('error', console.error)
is the contract object built beforemethods
is the fixed syntax, followed by the method name of the contractadd_message
is a method in the HelloWorld contract, with an input parameter of custom my_message typefrom
is the wallet address of the callergas
is the gas amounton
is to monitor the event of the contract processing result. If it succeeds, a receipt will be printed, or an error log will be output if it fails
After the function call is successful, you will see the log info as below:
{ blockHash: '0x669c7b8cb938cc30845e08dc4ceda08f2e17207c267ade97dc5458b445405736', blockNumber: 74665, contractAddress: null, cumulativeGasUsed: 108549, from: 'atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp', gasUsed: 108549, logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', status: true, to: 'atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx', transactionHash: '0x2b5e590df7e70ad428b1ccb06bda5dcce47f84c4d981c2fb475aca9ec9d0000a', transactionIndex: 0, events: {} }{ blockHash: '0x669c7b8cb938cc30845e08dc4ceda08f2e17207c267ade97dc5458b445405736', blockNumber: 74665, contractAddress: null, cumulativeGasUsed: 108549, from: 'atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp', gasUsed: 108549, logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', status: true, to: 'atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx', transactionHash: '0x2b5e590df7e70ad428b1ccb06bda5dcce47f84c4d981c2fb475aca9ec9d0000a', transactionIndex: 0, events: {} }
{ blockHash: '0x669c7b8cb938cc30845e08dc4ceda08f2e17207c267ade97dc5458b445405736', blockNumber: 74665, contractAddress: null, cumulativeGasUsed: 108549, from: 'atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp', gasUsed: 108549, logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', status: true, to: 'atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx', transactionHash: '0x2b5e590df7e70ad428b1ccb06bda5dcce47f84c4d981c2fb475aca9ec9d0000a', transactionIndex: 0, events: {} }{ blockHash: '0x669c7b8cb938cc30845e08dc4ceda08f2e17207c267ade97dc5458b445405736', blockNumber: 74665, contractAddress: null, cumulativeGasUsed: 108549, from: 'atp1jtfqqqr6436ppj6ccnrh8xjg7qals3ctnnmurp', gasUsed: 108549, logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', status: true, to: 'atp12ts3s0zd7s8hm2vwv8wxe3rpvrwpv6tpsx8shx', transactionHash: '0x2b5e590df7e70ad428b1ccb06bda5dcce47f84c4d981c2fb475aca9ec9d0000a', transactionIndex: 0, events: {} }
Step4. Query contract
is the contract object built beforemethods
specifies the methods in the contract that will be accessedget_message_body
is a method in the HelloWorld contract, which has an input parameter of type intcall
indicates the query method
About CompileHow to use
for compile multiplecpp
files?platon-cpp ./test.cpp ./test1.cpp
Only allowing exists one contract class.
How to specified the output directory and file name when using
to compile a contract?
Use the -o
parameter, and you must also specify the file name when specifying the directory:
platon-cpp ./test.cpp -o ./out/test.wasm
What if Alaya-truffle failed to execute truffle deploy deployment contract?
Confirm whether the configuration information of the connected chain in truffle-config.js and the user's wallet address are correct, and whether the wallet is unlocked.
What if truffle failed to deploy a constructor contract with parameters?
If the init function in the contract has parameters, you need to specify the params parameter when deploying the contract.
What data types does ABI support?
The types and conversion rules supported by the generated ABI are as follows:
Type | ABI |
bool | bool |
uint8_t | uint8 |
uint16_t | uint16 |
uint32_t | uint32 |
uint64_t | uint64 |
int8_t | int8 |
int16_t | int16 |
int32_t | int32 |
int64_t | int64 |
bytes | uint8[] |
std::string | string |
std::vector<T> | T[] |
std::array[T, N] | T[N] |
std::pair<T, U> | pair<T, U |
std::set<T> | set<T> |
std::map<T, V> | map<T, V> |
std::list<T> | list<T> |
FixedHash<N> | FixedHash<N> |
u128 | uint128 |
bigint | uint128 |
About ContractHow to output contract debug logs in the
process?- Add
#undef NDEBUG
at the first line of contract codes, and it must come before the header file include.
- Add
#undef NDEBUG #include <platon/platon.hpp> //... ``` - `Alaya` start command specifies log level 4, and turn on the `debug` flag ```cpp ./platon --debug --verbosity 4 ... ``` 2. How to write a contract to effectively reduce the gas used?
- Use reference parameters
```cpp void test(const std::string& str) {} ```
- Return rvalue reference
```cpp std::vector<std::string>&& test() { std::vector<std::string> v; // ... return std::move(v); }
- Try not to apply for a large block of memory
What should I pay attention to when using
?- Should be initialized in
CONTRAT Hello : public Contract { public: ACTION void init() { s_.self() = "test"; } private: StorageType<"test"_n, std::string> s_; };
- It is recommended to use a specialized type of `StorageType` directly + Uint8 + Int8 + Uint16 + Int16 + Uint + Int + Uint64 + Int64 + String + Vector + Set + Map + Array + Tuple
- Should be initialized in
What is the difference between
From the perspective of the underlying storage level, the implementation of StorageType
is serialized as a whole and then stored in the database. And platon::db::Map
and platon::db::Array
, after each element is serialized, are stored in the database as K/V. For large-scale data, platon::db::Map
and platon::db::Array
perform better.
When implementing the contract, the appropriate storage structure should be selected according to the scale of the data.
- Which C++ standard library types are supported by RLP serialization/deserialization?
The following C++ standard library types are supported:
- std::string
- std::vector
- std::map
- std::list
- std::array
- std::set
- std::pair
- std::tuple
How does custom type support RLP serialization/deserialization?
- Use macro
for common types
struct Base { int a; std::string b; PLATON_SERIALIZE(Base, (a)(b)); };
- For the derived class, use the macro
, and for the base class, use the macroPLATON_SERIALIZE
as well.
struct Derived : public Base { int c; int d; PLATON_SERIALIZE_DERIVED(Derived, Base, (c)(d));};
- Use macro