Java SDK
Import Development LibraryDepending on the build tool, use the following methods to add related dependencies to your project:
- Use requirements above jdk1.8.
mavenProject configuration:
<repository> <id>alaya-public</id> <url></url></repository>
maven reference:
<dependency> <groupId>com.alaya.sdk</groupId> <artifactId>core</artifactId> <version></version></dependency>
gradleProject configuration:
repositories { maven { url "" }}
gradle way of reference:
compile "com.alaya.sdk:core:"
Basic API Usage#
Bech32 Address- 0x address to bech32 address
NetworkParameters.init(20000L, "atp");String hex = "0x4f9c1a1efaa7d81ba1cabf07f2c3a5ac5cf4f818";String bech32Address = Bech32.addressEncode(NetworkParameters.getHrp(), hex);assertThat(bech32Address, is("atp1f7wp58h65lvphgw2hurl9sa943w0f7qcdcev89"));
- bech32 address to 0x address
NetworkParameters.init(20000L, "atp");String bech32Address = "atp1f7wp58h65lvphgw2hurl9sa943w0f7qcdcev89";String hex = Bech32.addressDecodeHex(bech32Address);assertThat(hex, is("0x4f9c1a1efaa7d81ba1cabf07f2c3a5ac5cf4f818"));
NetworkParameters- initialize network
SDK includes Alaya network already. User can initialize custom networks, the latest is the current network.
NetworkParameters.init(2000L, "ABC");
- select current network
user can switch current network if multi-networks have been initialized.
NetworkParameters.selectNetwork(2000L, "ABC");
or select Alaya network.
Wallet Related- Generate PlatON StandardWallet n=16384 p=1 r=8
String fileName = WalletUtils.generatePlatONWalletFile(PASSWORD, tempDir);
- Generate StandardWallet n=262144 p=1 r=8
String fileName = WalletUtils.generateNewWalletFile(PASSWORD, tempDir);
- Generate LightWallet n=4096 p=6 r=8
String fileName = WalletUtils.generateLightNewWalletFile(PASSWORD, tempDir);
- LoadWallet
Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials(PASSWORD, new File(tempDir, fileName));
Credentials Related- loadCredentials from keystore
Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials(PASSWORD, new File(tempDir, fileName));
- loadCredentials from key
Credentials credentials = Credentials.create("0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXX...");
- getBech32AddressFromChainId
long chainId = 100L;String bech32Address = credentials.getAddress(chainId);
- getBech32AddressFromNetworkParameters
String bech32Address = credentials.getAddress(); // NetworkParameters.CurrentNetwork
Basic RPC InterfaceThe basic API
includes network, transaction, query, node information, economic model parameter configuration and other related interfaces. For details, refer to the following API
web3ClientVersionReturns the current client version
return value
Request<?, Web3ClientVersion>
The string in the Web3ClientVersion property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, Web3ClientVersion> request = currentValidWeb3j.web3ClientVersion();String version = request.send(). GetWeb3ClientVersion();
web3Sha3Keccak-256 returning the given data
String: The data before encryption
return value
Request<?, Web3Sha3>
The string in the Web3Sha3 attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String date = "";Request <?, Web3Sha3> request = currentValidWeb3j.web3Sha3(date);String resDate = request.send().getWeb3ClientVersion();
netVersionReturns the current network ID
return value
Request<?, NetVersion>
The string in the NetVersion attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, NetVersion> request = currentValidWeb3j.netVersion();String version = request.send().getNetVersion();
netListeningReturn true if the client is actively listening for a network connection
return value
Request<?, NetListening>
The boolean in the NetListening property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, NetListening> request = currentValidWeb3j.netListening();boolean req = request.send().isListening();
netPeerCountReturns the number of peers currently connected to the client
return value
Request<?, NetPeerCount>
The BigInteger in the NetPeerCount property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, NetPeerCount> request = currentValidWeb3j.netPeerCount();BigInteger req = request.send().getQuantity();
platonProtocolVersionReturns the current platon protocol version
return value
Request<?, PlatonProtocolVersion>
The String in the PlatonProtocolVersion property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonProtocolVersion> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonProtocolVersion();String req = request.send().getProtocolVersion();
PlatonSyncingReturn an object containing data about the synchronization status or false
return value
Request<?, PlatonSyncing>
The String in the PlatonSyncing property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonSyncing> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonSyncing();boolean req = request.send().isSyncing();
platonGasPriceReturn current gas price
return value
Request<?, PlatonGasPrice>
The BigInteger in the PlatonGasPrice property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonGasPrice> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGasPrice();BigInteger req = request.send().getGasPrice();
platonAccountsReturn the list of addresses owned by the client
return value
Request<?, PlatonAccounts>
The String array in the PlatonAccounts property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonAccounts> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonAccounts();List<String> req = request.send().getAccounts();
platonBlockNumberReturns the current highest block height
return value
Request<?, PlatonBlockNumber>
The BigInteger in the PlatonBlockNumber property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonBlockNumber> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonBlockNumber();BigInteger req = request.send().getBlockNumber();
platonGetBalanceBack to query address balance
- String: address The address to query
- DefaultBlockParameter:
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
return value
Request<?, PlatonGetBalance>
The BigInteger in the PlatonGetBalance property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));String address = "";Request<?, PlatonGetBalance> request = web3j.platonGetBalance(address,DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST);BigInteger req = request.send().getBalance();
platonGetStorageAtReturn value from storage location of given address
- parameters
- String: address
- BigInteger: integer for position in position memory
- DefaultBlockParameter:
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
- return value
Request<?, PlatonGetStorageAt>
The String in the PlatonGetStorageAt property is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String address = "";Request <?, PlatonGetStorageAt> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetStorageAt(address ,BigInteger.ZERO,DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST );String req = request.send().getData();
platonGetBlockTransactionCountByHashQuery the number of transactions in a block according to the block hash
- String: blockHash block hash
return value
Request<?, PlatonGetBlockTransactionCountByHash>
The BigInteger in the PlatonGetBlockTransactionCountByHash property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String blockhash = "";Request <?, PlatonGetBlockTransactionCountByHash> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetBlockTransactionCountByHash(blockhash);BigInteger req = request.send().getTransactionCount();
platonGetTransactionCountQuery the number of transactions sent by the address according to the address
- String: address
- DefaultBlockParameter:
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
return value
Request<?, PlatonGetTransactionCount>
The BigInteger in the PlatonGetTransactionCount property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String address = "";Request<?, PlatonGetTransactionCount> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetTransactionCount(address, DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST);BigInteger req = request.send(). GetTransactionCount();
platonGetBlockTransactionCountByNumberReturns the total number of transactions in block high school based on block height
- DefaultBlockParameter:
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
- DefaultBlockParameter:
return value
Request<?, PlatonGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber>
The BigInteger in the PlatonGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST);BigInteger req = request.send().getTransactionCount();
platonGetCodeReturn code for given address
String: address
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
return value
Request<?, PlatonGetCode>
The String in the PlatonGetCode property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String address = "";Request <?, PlatonGetCode> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetCode(address,DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST);String req = request.send().getCode();
platonSignData Signature
- String: address
- String: sha3HashOfDataToSign data to be signed
return value
Request<?, PlatonSign>
The String in the PlatonSign property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String address = "";String sha3HashOfDataToSign = "";Request <?, PlatonSign> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonSign(address,DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST);String req = request.send().getSignature();
Note: The address must be unlocked in advance
platonSendTransactionSend service signing transaction
- Transaction: Transaction: transaction structure
- String: from: transaction sending address
- String: to: address of transaction receiver
- BigInteger: gas: maximum gas usage for this transaction
- BigInteger: gasPrice: gas price
- BigInteger: value: transfer amount
- String: data: data on the chain
- BigInteger: nonce: transaction unique identifier
- Call platonGetTransactionCount, get the from address as a parameter, and get the total number of sent transactions to that address
- Each use of the address nonce +1
- Transaction: Transaction: transaction structure
return value
Request<?, PlatonSendTransaction>
The String in the PlatonSendTransaction property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Transaction transaction = new Transaction("from","to",BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO,"data ",BigInteger.ONE);Request <?, PlatonSendTransaction> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonSendTransaction(transaction);String req = request.send().getTransactionHash();
platonSendRawTransactionSend transaction
- String: data: wallet signed data
return value
Request<?, PlatonSendTransaction>
The String in the PlatonSendTransaction property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String data = "";Request <?, PlatonSendTransaction> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonSendRawTransaction(data);String req = request.send().getTransactionHash();
platonCallExecute a message call transaction, the message call transaction is executed directly in the node 旳 VM without the need to execute through blockchain mining
- Transaction: Transaction: transaction structure
- String: from: transaction sending address
- String: to: address of transaction receiver
- BigInteger: gas: maximum gas usage for this transaction
- BigInteger: gasPrice: gas price
- BigInteger: value: transfer amount
- String: data: data on the chain
- BigInteger: nonce: transaction unique identifier
- Call platonGetTransactionCount, get the from address as a parameter, and get the total number of sent transactions to that address
- Each use of the address nonce +1
- Transaction: Transaction: transaction structure
return value
Request<?, PlatonCall>
The String in the PlatonCall property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Transaction transaction = new Transaction("from","to",BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO,"data ",BigInteger.ONE);Request <?, PlatonSendTransaction> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonCall(transaction);String req = request.send().getValue();
platonEstimateGasEstimating contract method gas usage
- Transaction: Transaction: transaction structure
- String: from: transaction sending address
- String: to: address of transaction receiver
- BigInteger: gas: maximum gas usage for this transaction
- BigInteger: gasPrice: gas price
- BigInteger: value: transfer amount
- String: data: data on the chain
- BigInteger: nonce: transaction unique identifier
- Call platonGetTransactionCount, get the from address as a parameter, and get the total number of sent transactions to that address
- Each use of the address nonce +1
- Transaction: Transaction: transaction structure
return value
Request<?, PlatonEstimateGas>
The BigInteger in the PlatonEstimateGas property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Transaction transaction = new Transaction("from","to",BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO,BigInteger.ZERO,"data ",BigInteger.ONE);Request <?, PlatonEstimateGas> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonEstimateGas(transaction);BigInteger req = request.send().getAmountUsed();
platonGetBlockByHashQuery block information based on block hash
- String: blockHash block hash
- boolean:
- true: complete transaction list in block
- false: only transaction hash list in block
return value
Request<?, PlatonBlock>
The block in the PlatonBlock property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String blockHash = "";
Request <?, PlatonBlock> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetBlockByHash(blockHash,true);Block req = request.send().getBlock();
platonGetBlockByNumberQuery block information based on block height
- DefaultBlockParameter:
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
- boolean:
- true: complete transaction list in block
- false: only transaction hash list in block
- DefaultBlockParameter:
return value
Request<?, PlatonBlock>
The block in the PlatonBlock property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonBlock> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetBlockByNumber(DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger.ZERO) ,true);Block req = request.send().getBlock();
platonGetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexQuery the transaction with the specified serial number in the block according to the block hash
- String: blockHash block hash
- BigInteger: transactionIndex number of the transaction in the block
return value
Request<?, PlatonTransaction>
The transaction in the PlatonTransaction property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String blockHash = "";Request <?, PlatonTransaction> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetTransactionByHash(blockHash,BigInteger.ZERO);Optional<Transaction> req = request.send().getTransaction();
platonGetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndexQuery the transaction with the specified serial number in the block according to the block height
- DefaultBlockParameter:
- DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST latest block height(default)
- DefaultBlockParameterName.EARLIEST minimum block height
- DefaultBlockParameterName.PENDING unpackaged transaction
- DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger blockNumber)
- BigInteger: transactionIndex number of the transaction in the block
- DefaultBlockParameter:
return value
Request<?, PlatonTransaction>
The transaction in the PlatonTransaction property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String blockHash = "";Request<?, PlatonTransaction> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetTransactionByHash(DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger.ZERO), BigInteger.ZERO);Optional<Transaction> req = request.send(). GetTransaction();
platonGetTransactionReceiptQuery transaction receipt based on transaction hash
- String: transactionHash
return value
Request<?, PlatonGetTransactionReceipt>
The transaction in the PlatonGetTransactionReceipt property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String blockHash = "";Request<?, PlatonGetTransactionReceipt> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetTransactionReceipt(DefaultBlockParameter.valueOf(BigInteger.ZERO), BigInteger.ZERO);Optional<TransactionReceipt> req = request.send(). GetTransactionReceipt();
platonNewFilterCreate a filter to notify when the client receives a matching whisper message
- PlatonFilter: PlatonFilter:
- SingleTopic:
- PlatonFilter: PlatonFilter:
return value
Request<?, PlatonFilter>
The BigInteger in the PlatonFilter property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));PlatonFilter filter = new PlatonFilter();filter.addSingleTopic("");Request <?, PlatonFilter> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonNewFilter(filter);BigInteger req = request.send().getFilterId();
platonNewBlockFilterCreate a filter in the node to be notified when new blocks are generated. To check if the status changes
return value
Request<?, PlatonFilter>
The BigInteger in the PlatonFilter property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonFilter> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonNewBlockFilter();BigInteger req = request.send().getFilterId();
platonNewPendingTransactionFilterCreate a filter in the node to be notified when a pending transaction occurs. To check if the status has changed
return value
Request<?, PlatonFilter>
The BigInteger in the PlatonFilter property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonFilter> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonNewPendingTransactionFilter();BigInteger req = request.send().getFilterId();
platonNewPendingTransactionFilterWrite in filter with specified number. This call is always needed when listening is no longer needed
return value
Request<?, PlatonFilter>
The BigInteger in the PlatonFilter property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonFilter> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonNewPendingTransactionFilter();BigInteger req = request.send().getFilterId();
platonUninstallFilterWrite in filter with specified number. This call is always needed when listening is no longer needed
- BigInteger: filterId: filter ID
return value
Request<?, PlatonUninstallFilter>
The boolean in the PlatonUninstallFilter attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonUninstallFilter> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonNewPendingTransactionFilter(BigInteger.ZERO);boolean req = request.send().isUninstalled();
platonGetFilterChangesPolling the specified filter and returning a newly generated log array since the last poll
- BigInteger: filterId: filter ID
return value
Request<?, PlatonLog>
The LogResult array in the PlatonLog property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonLog> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetFilterChanges(BigInteger.ZERO);List<PlatonLog.LogResult> req = request.send().getLogs();
platonGetFilterLogsPolling the specified filter and returning a newly generated log array since the last poll.
- BigInteger: filterId: filter ID
return value
Request<?, PlatonLog>
The LogResult array in the PlatonLog property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, PlatonLog> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetFilterLogs(BigInteger.ZERO);List<PlatonLog.LogResult> req = request.send().getLogs();
platonGetLogsReturn all logs in the specified filter
- PlatonFilter: PlatonFilter:
- SingleTopic:
- PlatonFilter: PlatonFilter:
return value
Request<?, PlatonLog>
The BigInteger in the PlatonLog property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));PlatonFilter filter = new PlatonFilter();filter.addSingleTopic("");Request<?, PlatonLog> request = currentValidWeb3j.platonGetLogs(filter);List<LogResult> = request.send(). GetLogs();
platonPendingTransactionsQuery pending transactions
return value
Request<?, PlatonPendingTransactions>
The transactions in the PlatonPendingTransactions property are the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, PlatonPendingTransactions> req = currentValidWeb3j.platonPendingTx();EthPendingTransactions res = req.send();List<Transaction> transactions = res.getTransactions();
dbPutStringStore strings in local database.
- String: databaseName: database name
- String: keyName: key name
- String: stringToStore: the string to be stored
return value
Request<?, DbPutString>
The boolean in the DbPutString property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String databaseName;String keyName;String stringToStore;Request <?, DbPutString> request = currentValidWeb3j.dbPutString(databaseName,keyName,stringToStore);List<DbPutString> = request.send().valueStored();
dbGetStringRead string from local database
- String: databaseName: database name
- String: keyName: key name
return value
Request<?, DbGetString>
The String in the DbGetString property is the corresponding stored data
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String databaseName;String keyName;Request <?, DbGetString> request = currentValidWeb3j.dbGetString(databaseName,keyName);String req = request.send().getStoredValue();
dbPutHexWrite binary data to local database
- String: databaseName: database name
- String: keyName: key name
- String: dataToStore: binary data to be stored
return value
Request<?, DbPutHex>
The boolean in the DbPutHex attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String databaseName;String keyName;String dataToStore;Request<?, DbPutHex> request = currentValidWeb3j.dbPutHex(databaseName, keyName, dataToStore);boolean req = request.send(). valueStored();
dbGetHexRead binary data from local database
- String: databaseName: database name
- String: keyName: key name
return value
Request<?, DbGetHex>
The String in the DbGetHex property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));String databaseName;String keyName;Request<?, DbGetHex> request = currentValidWeb3j.dbGetHex(databaseName, keyName);String req = request.send(). GetStoredValue();
platonEvidencesReturn double sign report data
Export parameters
Parameters | Type | Description |
jsonrpc | string | rpc version number |
id | int | id serial number |
result | string | Evidence String |
result is the evidence string, which contains 3 types of evidence: duplicatePrepare, duplicateVote, duplicateViewchange Each type contains multiple evidences, so it is an array structure, and you need to pay attention when parsing.
- duplicatePrepare
{ "prepareA": { "epoch": 0, //epoch value of consensus round "viewNumber": 0, //View value of consensus round "blockHash": "0x06abdbaf7a0a5cb1deddf69de5b23d6bc3506fdadbdcfc32333a1220da1361ba", //block hash "blockNumber": 16013, //block number "blockIndex": 0, //The index value of the block in a round view "blockData": "0xe1a507a57c1e9d8cade361fefa725d7a271869aea7fd923165c872e7c0c2b3f2", //Block rlp encoding value "validateNode": { "index": 0, //The index value of the validator in a round of epoch "address": "0xc30671be006dcbfd6d36bdf0dfdf95c62c23fad4", //Verifier address "nodeId": "19f1c9aa5140bd1304a3260de640a521c33015da86b88cd2ecc83339b558a4d4afa4bd0555d3fa16ae43043aeb4fbd32c92b34de1af437811de51d966dc64365", //Verifier nodeID "blsPubKey": "f93a2381b4cbb719a83d80a4feb93663c7aa026c99f64704d6cc464ae1239d3486d0cf6e0b257ac02d5dd3f5b4389907e9d1d5b434d784bfd7b89e0822148c7f5b8e1d90057a5bbf4a0abf88bbb12902b32c94ca390a2e16eea8132bf8c2ed8f" //Validator bls public key }, "signature": "0x1afdf43596e07d0f5b59ae8f45d30d21a9c5ac793071bfb6382ae151081a901fd3215e0b9645040c9071d0be08eb200900000000000000000000000000000000" //message signing }, "prepareB": { "epoch": 0, "viewNumber": 0, "blockHash": "0x74e3744545e95f4defc82d731504a39994b8013575491f83f7520cf796347b8f", "blockNumber": 16013, "blockIndex": 0, "blockData": "0xb11be0a3634e29281403d690c1a0bc38e96ea34b3aea0b0da2883800f610c3b7", "validateNode": { "index": 0, "address": "0xc30671be006dcbfd6d36bdf0dfdf95c62c23fad4", "nodeId": "19f1c9aa5140bd1304a3260de640a521c33015da86b88cd2ecc83339b558a4d4afa4bd0555d3fa16ae43043aeb4fbd32c92b34de1af437811de51d966dc64365", "blsPubKey": "f93a2381b4cbb719a83d80a4feb93663c7aa026c99f64704d6cc464ae1239d3486d0cf6e0b257ac02d5dd3f5b4389907e9d1d5b434d784bfd7b89e0822148c7f5b8e1d90057a5bbf4a0abf88bbb12902b32c94ca390a2e16eea8132bf8c2ed8f" }, "signature": "0x16795379ca8e28953e74b23d1c384dda760579ad70c5e490225403664a8d4490cabb1dc64a2e0967b5f0c1e9dbd6578c00000000000000000000000000000000" }}
- duplicateVote
{ "voteA": { "epoch": 0, //epoch value of consensus round "viewNumber": 0, //View value of consensus round "blockHash": "0x58b5976a471f86c4bd198984827bd594dce6ac861ef15bbbb1555e7b2edc2fc9", //block hash "blockNumber": 16013, //block number "blockIndex": 0, //The index value of the block in a round view "validateNode": { "index": 0, //The index value of the validator in a round of epoch "address": "0xc30671be006dcbfd6d36bdf0dfdf95c62c23fad4", //Verifier address "nodeId": "19f1c9aa5140bd1304a3260de640a521c33015da86b88cd2ecc83339b558a4d4afa4bd0555d3fa16ae43043aeb4fbd32c92b34de1af437811de51d966dc64365", //Verifier nodeID "blsPubKey": "f93a2381b4cbb719a83d80a4feb93663c7aa026c99f64704d6cc464ae1239d3486d0cf6e0b257ac02d5dd3f5b4389907e9d1d5b434d784bfd7b89e0822148c7f5b8e1d90057a5bbf4a0abf88bbb12902b32c94ca390a2e16eea8132bf8c2ed8f" //Validator bls public key }, "signature": "0x071350aed09f226e218715357ffb7523ba41271dd1d82d4dded451ee6509cd71f6888263b0b14bdfb33f88c04f76790d00000000000000000000000000000000" //message signing }, "voteB": { "epoch": 0, "viewNumber": 0, "blockHash": "0x422515ca50b9aa01c46dffee53f3bef0ef29884bfd014c3b6170c05d5cf67696", "blockNumber": 16013, "blockIndex": 0, "validateNode": { "index": 0, "address": "0xc30671be006dcbfd6d36bdf0dfdf95c62c23fad4", "nodeId": "19f1c9aa5140bd1304a3260de640a521c33015da86b88cd2ecc83339b558a4d4afa4bd0555d3fa16ae43043aeb4fbd32c92b34de1af437811de51d966dc64365", "blsPubKey": "f93a2381b4cbb719a83d80a4feb93663c7aa026c99f64704d6cc464ae1239d3486d0cf6e0b257ac02d5dd3f5b4389907e9d1d5b434d784bfd7b89e0822148c7f5b8e1d90057a5bbf4a0abf88bbb12902b32c94ca390a2e16eea8132bf8c2ed8f" }, "signature": "0x9bf6c01643058c0c828c35dc3277666edd087cb439c5f6a78ba065d619f812fb42c5ee881400a7a42dd8366bc0c5c88100000000000000000000000000000000" }}
- duplicateViewchange
{ "viewA": { "epoch": 0, "viewNumber": 0, "blockHash": "0xb84a40bb954e579716e7a6b9021618f6b25cdb0e0dd3d8c2c0419fe835640f36", //区块hash "blockNumber": 16013, "validateNode": { "index": 0, "address": "0xc30671be006dcbfd6d36bdf0dfdf95c62c23fad4", "nodeId": "19f1c9aa5140bd1304a3260de640a521c33015da86b88cd2ecc83339b558a4d4afa4bd0555d3fa16ae43043aeb4fbd32c92b34de1af437811de51d966dc64365", "blsPubKey": "f93a2381b4cbb719a83d80a4feb93663c7aa026c99f64704d6cc464ae1239d3486d0cf6e0b257ac02d5dd3f5b4389907e9d1d5b434d784bfd7b89e0822148c7f5b8e1d90057a5bbf4a0abf88bbb12902b32c94ca390a2e16eea8132bf8c2ed8f" }, "signature": "0x9c8ba2654c6b8334b1b94d3b421c5901242973afcb9d87c4ab6d82c2aee8e212a08f2ae000c9203f05f414ca578cda9000000000000000000000000000000000", "blockEpoch": 0, "blockView": 0 }, "viewB": { "epoch": 0, "viewNumber": 0, "blockHash": "0x2a60ed6f04ccb9e468fbbfdda98b535653c42a16f1d7ccdfbd5d73ae1a2f4bf1", "blockNumber": 16013, "validateNode": { "index": 0, "address": "0xc30671be006dcbfd6d36bdf0dfdf95c62c23fad4", "nodeId": "19f1c9aa5140bd1304a3260de640a521c33015da86b88cd2ecc83339b558a4d4afa4bd0555d3fa16ae43043aeb4fbd32c92b34de1af437811de51d966dc64365", "blsPubKey": "f93a2381b4cbb719a83d80a4feb93663c7aa026c99f64704d6cc464ae1239d3486d0cf6e0b257ac02d5dd3f5b4389907e9d1d5b434d784bfd7b89e0822148c7f5b8e1d90057a5bbf4a0abf88bbb12902b32c94ca390a2e16eea8132bf8c2ed8f" }, "signature": "0xed69663fb943ce0e0dd90df1b65e96514051e82df48b3867516cc7e505234b9ca707fe43651870d9141354a7a993e09000000000000000000000000000000000", "blockEpoch": 0, "blockView": 0 }}
- return value
Request<?, PlatonEvidences>
The Evidences object in the PlatonEvidences property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, PlatonEvidences> req = currentValidWeb3j.platonEvidences();Evidences evidences = req.send(). GetEvidences();
getProgramVersionGet code version
return value
Request<?, AdminProgramVersion>
The ProgramVersion object in the AdminProgramVersion property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, AdminProgramVersion> req = currentValidWeb3j.getProgramVersion();ProgramVersion programVersion = req.send(). GetAdminProgramVersion();
- ProgramVersion Object Parsing
- BigInteger: version: code version
- String: sign: code version signature
getSchnorrNIZKProveGet proof of bls
return value
Request<?, AdminSchnorrNIZKProve>
The String in the AdminSchnorrNIZKProve property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, AdminProgramVersion> req = currentValidWeb3j.getSchnorrNIZKProve();String res = req.send(). GetAdminSchnorrNIZKProve();
getEconomicConfigGet PlatON parameter configuration
return value
Request<?, DebugEconomicConfig>
The String in the DebugEconomicConfig property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, DebugEconomicConfig> req = currentValidWeb3j.getEconomicConfig();String debugEconomicConfig = req.send().getEconomicConfigStr();
getChainIdGet chain ID
return value
Request<?, PlatonChainId>
The String in the PlatonChainId property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, PlatonChainId> req = platonWeb3j.getChainId();BigInteger chainId = req.send().getChainId();
adminAddPeerAdd a peer to the client node
- parameters
String : peer's URL
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, BooleanResponse> request = platonWeb3j.adminAddPeer("enode://0abaf3219f454f3d07b6cbcf3c10b6b4ccf605202868e2043b6f5db12b745df0604ef01ef4cb523adc6d9e14b83a76dd09f862e3fe77205d8ac83df707969b47@[::]:16789");Boolean resp = request.send().getResult();
adminRemovePeerRemove a peer from the client node
- parameters
String : peer's URL
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, BooleanResponse> request = platonWeb3j.adminRemovePeer("enode://0abaf3219f454f3d07b6cbcf3c10b6b4ccf605202868e2043b6f5db12b745df0604ef01ef4cb523adc6d9e14b83a76dd09f862e3fe77205d8ac83df707969b47@[::]:16789");Boolean resp = request.send().getResult();
adminDataDirReturn the current node data directory
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, AdminDataDir>
The result in the AdminDataDir property is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, AdminDataDir> request = platonWeb3j.adminDataDir();String resp = request.send().getDataDir();
txPoolStatusReturns the status of the transaction pool
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, TxPoolStatus>
The result in the TxPoolStatus property is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request <?, TxPoolStatus> request = platonWeb3j.txPoolStatus();TxPoolStatus txPoolStatus = request.send();
txPoolContentReturn transaction pool content
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, TxPoolContent>
The result in the TxPoolContent property is the corresponding storage data
- Example
JsonRpc2_0Admin platonWeb3j = new JsonRpc2_0Admin(new HttpService(""));Request <?, TxPoolContent> request = platonWeb3j.txPoolContent();TxPoolContent txPoolContent = request.send();
adminNodeInfoRetrieve all the information we know about the host node at protocol granularity
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, AdminNodeInfo>
The result in the AdminNodeInfo attribute is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));AdminNodeInfo nodeInfo = platonWeb3j.adminNodeInfo().send();
adminPeersRetrieve all the information we know about each individual Peer at protocol granularity
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, AdminPeers>
The result in the AdminPeers attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));AdminPeers adminPeers = platonWeb3j.adminPeers().send();
adminStartRPCStart the HTTP RPC API server
- parameters
- String : host : Network address to listen on- Integer : port : Network port to listen on- String : cors : Cross-origin resource sharing header to be used- String : apis : API modules to provide services through the service interface
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
WebSocketService webSocketService = new WebSocketService("ws://",false);webSocketService.connect();Web3j platonWeb3j =;BooleanResponse send = platonWeb3j.adminStartRPC("", 6789, null, null).send();
adminStartWSStart the websocket RPC API server
- parameters
- String : host : Network address to listen on- Integer : port : Network port to listen on- String : cors : Cross-origin resource sharing header to be used- String : apis : API modules to provide services through the service interface
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));BooleanResponse send = web3j.adminStartWS("", 7789, null, null).send();
adminStopRPCClose the currently started HTTP RPC end node
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
WebSocketService webSocketService = new WebSocketService("ws://",false);webSocketService.connect();Web3j platonWeb3j =;BooleanResponse send = platonWeb3j.adminStopRPC().send();
adminStopWSClose the currently started WebSocket RPC end node
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
WebSocketService webSocketService = new WebSocketService("ws://",false);webSocketService.connect();Web3j platonWeb3j =;BooleanResponse send = platonWeb3j.adminStopWS().send();
adminExportChainExport the current blockchain to a local file
- parameters
- String : file : file name
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));BooleanResponse send = platonWeb3j.adminExportChain("1").send();
adminImportChainImport blockchain from local file
- parameters
- String : file : file name
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));BooleanResponse send = platonWeb3j.adminImportChain("1").send();
getWaitSlashingNodeListGet the node with zero block, the list of nodes that are observed because of zero block
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, DebugWaitSlashingNodeList>
The WaitSlashingNode list object in the DebugWaitSlashingNodeList property is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Request<?, DebugWaitSlashingNodeList> req = platonWeb3j.getWaitSlashingNodeList();DebugWaitSlashingNodeList nodeList = req.send();
platonGetRawTransactionByHashReturns the number of transaction bytes for a given Hash
- parameters
- String : hash : Transaction hash
- return value
Request<?, PlatonRawTransaction>
The result in the PlatonRawTransaction attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));PlatonRawTransaction send = platonWeb3j.platonGetRawTransactionByHash("0x5b99...").send();
platonGetRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndexReturn transactions for a given block hash and index
- parameters
- String : hash : Block hash - String : index : index
- return value
Request<?, PlatonRawTransaction>
The result in the PlatonRawTransaction attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));PlatonRawTransaction send = platonWeb3j.platonGetRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex("0xa34...", "0x1").send();
platonGetRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndexReturn transactions with a given block number and index
- parameters
- String : blockNumber : Block number- String : index : index
- return value
Request<?, PlatonRawTransaction>
The result in the PlatonRawTransaction attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));PlatonRawTransaction send = platonWeb3j.platonGetRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex("0x1", "0x1").send();
platonGetAddressHrpGet chain Hrp
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, PlatonGetAddressHrp>
The result in the PlatonGetAddressHrp attribute is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));PlatonGetAddressHrp send = platonWeb3j.platonGetAddressHrp().send();
platonSignTransactionThe from account will be used to sign the given transaction. The node needs to have the account private key corresponding to the given sender address, and it needs to be unlocked
- parameters
- Transaction : transaction : Transaction object
- return value
Request<?, PlatonSignTransaction>
The result in the PlatonSignTransaction attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));Transaction transaction = new Transaction("atp1xxx",nonce,gasPrice,gasLimit,toAddress,value,data);PlatonSignTransaction send = platonWeb3j.platonSignTransaction(transaction).send();
minerSetGasPriceSet the minimum gas price acceptable to miners
- parameters
- String : minGasPrice : Lowest gas price
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));BooleanResponse send = platonWeb3j.minerSetGasPrice("0x1").send();
adminPeerEventsCreate an RPC subscription, which receives peer events from the node's p2p server
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, AdminPeerEvents>
The result in the AdminPeerEvents attribute is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Web3j platonWeb3j = HttpService(""));AdminPeerEvents send = web3j.adminPeerEvents().send();
personalImportRawKeyStore the given hexadecimal coded key in the key directory and encrypt it with a password
- parameters
- String : keydata : Private key - String : password : password
- return value
Request<?, PersonalImportRawKey>
The result in the PersonalImportRawKey attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));PersonalImportRawKey key = admin.personalImportRawKey("03axxx", "000000").send();
personalLockAccountLock the account associated with a given address
- parameters
- String : address : Account address
- return value
Request<?, BooleanResponse>
The result in the BooleanResponse attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));BooleanResponse response = admin.personalLockAccount("atp1cxxx").send();
personalSignUse the given account to sign the transaction, the account needs to exist in the node's account library
- parameters
- String : message : The hexadecimal code string of the transaction - String : accountId : Account address - String : password : Account address password
- return value
Request<?, PersonalSign>
The result in the PersonalSign attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));RawTransaction transaction = RawTransaction.createTransaction(nonce,gasPrice,gasLimit,toAddress,value,data);byte[] encode = TransactionEncoder.encode(transaction);String hexSignedTransaction = Numeric.toHexString(encode);PersonalSign send = admin.personalSign(hexSignedTransaction, "atp1xxx","000000").send();
personalSignAndSendTransactionUse the from address of the transaction to sign and send the transaction. The from account needs to exist in the node's account library
- parameters
- Transaction : transaction : Transaction object - String : password : Account address password
- return value
Request<?, PersonalSign>
The result in the PersonalSign attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));Transaction transaction = new Transaction("atp1xxx",nonce,gasPrice,gasLimit,toAddress,value,data);PersonalSign send = admin.personalSignAndSendTransaction(transaction, "000000").send();
personalSignTransactionUse the from address of the transaction to sign, and the from account needs to exist in the node's account database
- parameters
- Transaction : transaction : Transaction object - String : password : From account address password
- return value
Request<?, PlatonSignTransaction>
The result in the PlatonSignTransaction attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));Transaction transaction = new Transaction("atp1xxx",nonce,gasPrice,gasLimit,toAddress,value,data);PlatonSignTransaction send = admin.personalSignTransaction(transaction,"000000").send();
personalEcRecoverReturns the address of the account used to create the signature
- parameters
- String : message : Raw data - String : signiture : Signed data
- return value
Request<?, PersonalEcRecover>
The result in the PersonalEcRecover attribute is the corresponding storage data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));PersonalEcRecover send = admin.personalEcRecover("0xebxxx","0xa4f5xxx").send();
personalListWalletsReturn the list of wallets managed by this node
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, PersonalListWallets>
The result in the PersonalListWallets attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));PersonalListWallets send = admin.personalListWallets().send();
personalOpenWalletStart the hardware wallet opening program, establish a USB connection and try to authenticate with the provided password. Please note that this method may return an additional challenge that needs to be opened a second time (for example, Trezor PIN matrix challenge)
- parameters
- String : url : URL - String : passphrase : password
- return value
Request<?, VoidResponse>
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));VoidResponse send = admin.personalOpenWallet("http://localhost:8080", "000000").send();
personalUnlockAccountUse the given password to unlock the account associated with the given address for a duration of seconds. The default is 300 seconds. If the account is unlocked, it will return an indication
- parameters
- String : address : address - String : passphrase : password
- return value
Request<?, PersonalUnlockAccount>
The result in the PersonalUnlockAccount attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));PersonalUnlockAccount response = admin.personalUnlockAccount("atp1xxx", "111111").send();
personalListAccountsReturns a list of addresses of accounts managed by this node
- parameters
- return value
Request<?, PersonalListAccounts>
The result in the PersonalListAccounts attribute is the corresponding stored data
- Example
Admin admin = HttpService(""));PersonalListAccounts send = admin.personalListAccounts().send();
System Contract CallSystem contracts mainly include economic model and governance related contracts:
- staking contract
- delegate contract
- reward contract
- node contract
- proposal contract
- slash contract
- restrictingPlan contract
For the introduction and use of the above system contract, please refer to the following contract interface description.
Pledge Related InterfaceInterfaces related to pledge contracts in the PlatON economic model.
Loading Pledge Contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));String chainId = "100";Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");StakingContract contract = StakingContract.load(web3j, credentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
stakingNode candidate applies for pledge
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format
- BigInteger: amount of von pledged, the pledged amount must be greater than or equal to 1,000,000 LAT
- StakingAmountType: stakingAmountType, enumeration, FREE_AMOUNT_TYPE means use the free amount of the account, RESTRICTING_AMOUNT_TYPE means use the amount of the lock to make a pledge, AUTO_AMOUNT_TYPE means give priority to the use of the locked balance, and use the free amount for the remaining part if the locked balance is insufficient
- String: benefitAddress revenue account
- String: nodeName The name of the node being pledged
- String: externalId External Id(the length of the Id described by the third-party pull node), currently the keybase account public key
- String: The third-party homepage of the webSite node(the length is limited, indicating the homepage of the node)
- String: description of the details node(there is a length limitation, indicating the description of the node)
- ProgramVersion: the real version of the processVersion program, governing rpc acquisition
- String: blsPubKey bls public key
- String: Proof of blsProof bls
- BigInteger:rewardPer delegate of reward,1=0.01% 10000=100%
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";BigDecimal stakingAmount = Convert.toVon("1000000", Convert.Unit.ATP);StakingAmountType stakingAmountType = StakingAmountType.FREE_AMOUNT_TYPE;String benifitAddress = "atp1qtp5fqtmudzge9aqt9rnzgdxv729pdq560vrat";String externalId = "";String nodeName = "integration-node1";String webSite = "";String details = "integration-node1-details";String blsPubKey = "5ccd6b8c32f2713faa6c9a46e5fb61ad7b7400e53fabcbc56bdc0c16fbfffe09ad6256982c7059e7383a9187ad93a002a7cda7a75d569f591730481a8b91b5fad52ac26ac495522a069686df1061fc184c31771008c1fedfafd50ae794778811";BigInteger rewardPer = BigInteger.valueOf(1000L);
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = stakingContract.stakingReturnTransaction(new StakingParam.Builder() .setNodeId(nodeId) .setAmount(stakingAmount.toBigInteger()) .setStakingAmountType(stakingAmountType) .setBenifitAddress(benifitAddress) .setExternalId(externalId) .setNodeName(nodeName) .setWebSite(webSite) .setDetails(details) .setBlsPubKey(blsPubKey) .setProcessVersion(web3j.getProgramVersion().send().getAdminProgramVersion()) .setBlsProof(web3j.getSchnorrNIZKProve().send().getAdminSchnorrNIZKProve()) .setRewardPer(rewardPer) .build()).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = stakingContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
unStakingNode revocation pledge(initiate all revocations at one time, multiple accounts)
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format
return value
BaseResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = stakingContract.unStakingReturnTransaction(nodeId).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = stakingContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
updateStakingModify pledge information
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format, starting with 0x
- String: externalId External Id(with a length limit, the ID described by the third-party pull node), currently the keybase account public key
- String: benefitAddress revenue account
- String: nodeName The name of the node being pledged
- String: the third-party homepage of the webSite node
- String: description of the details node(there is a length limitation, indicating the description of the node)
- BigInteger:rewardPer delegate of reward,1=0.01% 10000=100%
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";String benifitAddress = "atp1qtp5fqtmudzge9aqt9rnzgdxv729pdq560vrat";String externalId = "";String nodeName = "integration-node1-u";String webSite = "";String details = "integration-node1-details-u";BigInteger rewardPer = BigInteger.valueOf(1000L);
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = stakingContract.updateStakingInfoReturnTransaction(new UpdateStakingParam.Builder() .setBenifitAddress(benifitAddress) .setExternalId(externalId) .setNodeId(nodeId) .setNodeName(nodeName) .setWebSite(webSite) .setDetails(details) .setRewardPer(rewardPer) .build()).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = stakingContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
addStakingIncrease pledge and increase pledged deposits of pledged nodes
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format, starting with 0x
- StakingAmountType: stakingAmountType, enumeration, FREE_AMOUNT_TYPE means use the free amount of the account, RESTRICTING_AMOUNT_TYPE means use the amount of the lock to make a pledge
- BigInteger: addStakingAmount
return value
- TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- String: Data response data
- Contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";StakingAmountType stakingAmountType = StakingAmountType.FREE_AMOUNT_TYPE;BigDecimal addStakingAmount = Convert.toVon("4000000", Convert.Unit.ATP);
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = stakingContract.addStakingReturnTransaction(nodeId, stakingAmountType, addStakingAmount.toBigInteger()).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = stakingContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
getStakingInfoQuery the pledge information of the current node
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format, starting with 0x
return value
CallResponse<Node> baseRespons
CallResponse<Node> description
- int: Code result flag, 0 is success
- Node: data Node object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Node: object that holds the current node pledge information
String: BenefitAddress is used to accept the block reward and pledged reward income account
String: Details The description of the Details node(the length is limited, indicating the description of the node)
String: NodeId The node Id of the pledge(also called the candidate's node Id)
String: NodeName The name of the node being pledged(the length is limited, indicating the name of the node)
BigInteger: ProgramVersion The real version number of the PlatON process of the pledged node(the interface for obtaining the version number is provided by the governance)
BigInteger: Released von who initiated a free amount locked period pledged account
BigInteger: ReleasedHes initiated the free amount of the hesitation period of the pledged account
BigInteger: RestrictingPlan initiates the lock-up period of the locked account amount of the pledged account.
BigInteger: RestrictingPlanHes initiated the hedging period of the locked amount of the pledged account
BigInteger: Shares the current candidate's total pledge plus the number of entrusted VON
String: StakingAddress The account used when initiating the pledge(when the pledge is cancelled, von will be returned to the account or the account's lock information)
BigInteger: block height when StakingBlockNum initiated pledge
BigInteger: StakingEpoch's current settlement cycle when the pledge amount is changed
BigInteger: StakingTxIndex transaction index when pledge is initiated
BigInteger: Status of the status candidate, 0: node is available, 1: node is unavailable, 2: node block rate is low but the removal condition is not met,4: The node's von is insufficient to the minimum pledge threshold(only the penultimate bit is 1), 8: the node is reported to be double signed, 16: the node block rate is low and the removal condition is reached(the penultimate bit is 1); : Node initiates cancellation
BigInteger: ValidatorTerm
String: Website The third-party homepage of the Website node(the length of the node is the homepage of the node)
BigInteger:delegateEpoch The node's last delegate settlement cycle
BigInteger:delegateTotal The total number of delegate nodes
BigInteger:delegateTotalHes Total number of inactive nodes delegate
BigInteger:delegateRewardTotal Total delegated rewards currently issued by the candidate
BigInteger:nextRewardPer Proportion of reward share in the next settlement cycle
BigInteger:rewardPer Proportion of reward share in current settlement cycle
Java SDK contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";CallResponse<Node> baseResponse = stakingContract.getStakingInfo(nodeId).send();
getPackageRewardQuery the block reward of the current settlement cycle
return value
CallResponse<BigInteger> baseResponse
- CallResponse<BigInteger> description
- int: Code result flag, 0 is success
- BigInteger:reward Block rewards for the current settlement cycle
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<BigInteger> response = stakingContract.getPackageReward().send();
getStakingRewardQuery the staking reward of the current settlement cycle
return value
CallResponse<BigInteger> baseResponse
- CallResponse<BigInteger> description
- int: Code result flag, 0 is success
- BigInteger:reward staking rewards for the current settlement cycle
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<BigInteger> response = stakingContract.getStakingReward().send();
getAvgPackTimeQuery the average time of packed blocks
return value
CallResponse<BigInteger> baseResponse
- CallResponse<BigInteger> description
- int: Code result flag, 0 is success
- BigInteger:data average time of packed blocks
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<BigInteger> response = stakingContract.getAvgPackTime().send();
Delegation Related InterfacePrincipal related contract interface in PlatON economic model
Load Delegate Contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));long chainId = 201018;Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");DelegateContract delegateContract = DelegateContract.load(web3j, credentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
delegateInitiate a commission, commission a node that has been pledged, and commission a node to increase the weight of the node to obtain revenue
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format, starting with 0x
- StakingAmountType: stakingAmountType, enumeration, FREE_AMOUNT_TYPE means use the free amount of the account, RESTRICTING_AMOUNT_TYPE means use the amount of the lock to make a pledge
- BigInteger: amount of amount commissioned(based on the smallest unit, 1LAT = 10**18 VON)
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";StakingAmountType stakingAmountType = StakingAmountType.FREE_AMOUNT_TYPE;BigDecimal amount = Convert.toVon("500000", Convert.Unit.ATP);
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = delegateContract.delegateReturnTransaction(nodeId, stakingAmountType, amount.toBigInteger()).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = delegateContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
getRelatedListByDelAddrQuery the NodeID and Pledged Id of the node entrusted by the current account address
- String: address Account address of the principal
return value
CallResponse<List<DelegationIdInfo>> baseRespons
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- List<DelegationIdInfo>: List of Data DelegationIdInfo objects
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
DelegationIdInfo: An object that stores the NodeID and the height of the pledged block of the node commissioned by the current account address
- String: address Account address of the principal
- String: NodeId Node Id of the validator
- BigInteger: block height when StakingBlockNum initiated pledge
Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<List<DelegationIdInfo>> baseResponse = delegateContract.getRelatedListByDelAddr(delegateCredentials.getAddress()).send();
getDelegateInfoQuery current single commission information
- String: address Account address of the principal
- String: nodeId node id, in hexadecimal format, starting with 0x
- BigInteger: block height when stakingBlockNum initiated pledge
return value
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- Delegation: Data delegation object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Delegation: the object to save the delegation information of the current delegation account
- String: delegateAddress The account address of the principal
- String: nodeId Node Id of the validator
- BigInteger: stakingBlockNum height when StakingBlockNum initiated pledge
- BigInteger: delegateEpoch delegateEpoch's settlement cycle at the time of the most recent delegation to this candidate
- BigInteger: delegateReleased to initiate a free amount lock-in period of the commissioned account
- BigInteger: delegateReleasedHes initiated the free amount of the hesitation period commissioned by the commissioned account von
- BigInteger: delegateLocked initiates a lock-in period of the entrusted account
- BigInteger: delegateLockedHes initiated the hedging period of the locked account of the entrusted account
- BigInteger:cumulativeIncome Delegate income to be received
Java SDK contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";String address = "atp1qtp5fqtmudzge9aqt9rnzgdxv729pdq560vrat";BigInteger stakingBlockNum = new BigInteger("10888");
CallResponse<Delegation> baseResponse = delegateContract.getDelegateInfo(nodeId, address, stakingBlockNum).send();
unDelegateReduction / revocation of commission(all reductions are revocation)
- String: nodeId node id, hexadecimal format, starting with 0x
- BigInteger: The stakingBlockNum entrusted node has a high pledge block, which represents a unique sign of a pledge of a node
- BigInteger: the commission amount of stakingAmount reduction(based on the smallest unit, 1LAT = 10**18 von)
return value
- TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Decode transaction receipt
- BigInteger:reward Obtain the delegate income drawn when the commission is cancelled
- Contract use
String nodeId = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";BigDecimal stakingAmount = Convert.toVon("500000", Convert.Unit.ATP);BigInteger stakingBlockNum = new BigInteger("12134");
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = delegateContract.unDelegateReturnTransaction(nodeId, stakingBlockNum, stakingAmount.toBigInteger()).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = delegateContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
if(baseResponse.isStatusOk()){ BigInteger reward = delegateContract.decodeUnDelegateLog(baseResponse.getTransactionReceipt());}
Reward Related InterfaceContract-related contract interfaces in the PlatON economic model
Load Reward Contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));long chainId = 201018;Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");RewardContract rewardContract = RewardContract.load(web3j, deleteCredentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
withdrawDelegateRewardWithdraw all currently available commissioned rewards on the account
return value
- TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Decode transaction receipt
- String:nodeId node id
- BigInteger:stakingNum node staking block number
- BigInteger:reward received benefits
Contract use
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = rewardContract.withdrawDelegateRewardReturnTransaction().send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = rewardContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();if(baseResponse.isStatusOk()){ List<Reward> rewardList = rewardContract.decodeWithdrawDelegateRewardLog(baseResponse.getTransactionReceipt());}
getDelegateRewardCheck the current account to get the reward details
- String: check the address of your account
- List<String>: nodeList Node list, if all is checked
return value
CallResponse<List<Reward>> baseRespons
- CallResponse<List<Reward>>description
- int:code result identification, 0 is success
- List<Reward>:data rewardList object data
- String:errMsg Error message, exists on failure
Reward:Reward details
- String:nodeId
- BigInteger:stakingNum Node pledge block is high
- BigInteger:reward received benefits
Java SDK contract use
List<String> nodeList = new ArrayList<>();nodeList.add(nodeId);CallResponse<List<Reward>> baseResponse = rewardContract.getDelegateReward(delegateAddress, nodeList).send();
Node-related ContractsPrincipal related contract interface in PlatON economic model
Load Node Contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));long chainId = 201018;Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");NodeContract nodeContract = NodeContract.load(web3j, credentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
GetVerifierListQuery the queue of validators in the current settlement cycle
return value
CallResponse<List<Node>> baseResponse
- CallResponse<List<Node >>
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- List<Node>: data nodeList object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Node: object for saving node information for a single current settlement cycle
String: nodeId The node Id of the pledge(also called the candidate's node Id)
String: stakingAddress The account used when initiating the pledge(when the pledge is cancelled, von will be returned to the account or the account's lock information)
String: benefitAddress is used to accept the block reward and pledged reward income account
BigInteger:rewardPer Proportion of reward share in current settlement cycle
BigInteger:nextRewardPer Proportion of reward share in the next settlement cycle
BigInteger: stakingTxIndex transaction index when pledge is initiated
BigInteger: programVersion The real version number of the PlatON process of the pledged node(the interface for obtaining the version number is provided by the governance)
BigInteger: stakingBlockNum block height when StakingBlockNum initiated pledge
BigInteger: shares the current candidate's total pledge plus the number of entrusted vons
String:externalId External Id (with a length limit, the ID described by the third party to pull the node) is currently the public key of the keybase account, and the node icon is obtained through the public key.
String: nodeName The name of the node being pledged(the length is limited, indicating the name of the node)
String: website The third-party homepage of the Website node(the length of the node is the homepage of the node)
String: details The description of the Details node(the length is limited, indicating the description of the node)
BigInteger: validatorTerm
BigInteger:delegateTotal The total number of commissioned nodes
BigInteger:delegateRewardTotal Total delegated rewards currently issued by the candidate
Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<List<Node>> baseResponse = nodeContract.getVerifierList().send();
getValidatorListQuery the list of validators in the current consensus cycle
return value
CallResponse<List<Node>> baseResponse
CallResponse<List<Node >>
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- List<Node>: Data nodeList object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Node: object that saves the information of a single current consensus cycle verification node
String: nodeId The node Id of the pledge(also called the candidate's node Id)
String: stakingAddress The account used when initiating the pledge(when the pledge is cancelled, von will be returned to the account or the account's lock information)
String: benefitAddress is used to accept the block reward and pledged reward income account
BigInteger:rewardPer Proportion of reward share in current settlement cycle
BigInteger:nextRewardPer Proportion of reward share in the next settlement cycle
BigInteger: stakingTxIndex transaction index when pledge is initiated
BigInteger: programVersion The real version number of the PlatON process of the pledged node(the interface for obtaining the version number is provided by the governance)
BigInteger: stakingBlockNum block height when StakingBlockNum initiated pledge
BigInteger: shares the current candidate's total pledge plus the number of entrusted vons
String:externalId External Id (with a length limit, the ID described by the third party to pull the node) is currently the public key of the keybase account, and the node icon is obtained through the public key.
String: nodeName The name of the node being pledged(the length is limited, indicating the name of the node)
String:website The third-party homepage of the node (there is a length limit, indicating the homepage of the node)
String:details The description of the node (there is a length limit, indicating the description of the node)
BigInteger:validatorTerm Validator's tenure
BigInteger:delegateTotal The total number of nodes that are entrusted to take effect
BigInteger:delegateRewardTotal The total entrusted reward currently issued by the candidate
BigInteger:nextRewardPer Reward share ratio in the next settlement cycle
BigInteger:rewardPer Reward share ratio in the current billing cycle
Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<List<Node>> baseResponse = nodeContract.getValidatorList().send();
GetCandidateListQuery all real-time candidate lists
return value
CallResponse<List<Node>> baseResponse
CallResponse<List<Node >>
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- List<Node>: Data nodeList object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Node: holds a single candidate node information object
String: nodeId The node Id of the pledge(also called the candidate's node Id)
String: stakingAddress The account used when initiating the pledge(when the pledge is cancelled, von will be returned to the account or the account's lock information)
String: benefitAddress is used to accept the block reward and pledged reward income account
BigInteger:rewardPer Proportion of reward share in current settlement cycle
BigInteger:nextRewardPer Proportion of reward share in the next settlement cycle
BigInteger: stakingTxIndex transaction index when pledge is initiated
BigInteger: programVersion The real version number of the PlatON process of the pledged node(the interface for obtaining the version number is provided by the governance)
BigInteger:status Candidate status,0: node available,1: node is unavailable ,2:Nodes that have a low block yield but do not meet the removal conditions,4:The node's VON is less than the minimum pledge threshold. 8: The node is reported to have double sign.,16:Node block rate is low and removal conditions are met, 32: node initiates cancellation
BigInteger:stakingEpoch settlement cycle when current pledge amount is changed
BigInteger: stakingBlockNum block height when StakingBlockNum initiated pledge
BigInteger: shares the current candidate's total pledge plus the number of entrusted vons
BigInteger:released VON that initiates a free amount locked period pledged account
BigInteger:releasedHes VON to initiate a free amount of pledged account
BigInteger:restrictingPlan VON that initiated the lock-up amount of the pledged account's lock-up period
BigInteger:restrictingPlanHes VON that initiates the hesitation period of the locked amount of the pledged account
String:externalId External Id (with a length limit, the ID described by the third party to pull the node) is currently the public key of the keybase account, and the node icon is obtained through the public key.
String: nodeName The name of the node being pledged(the length is limited, indicating the name of the node)
String: website The third-party homepage of the Website node(the length of the node is the homepage of the node)
String: details The description of the Details node(the length is limited, indicating the description of the node)
BigInteger:delegateEpoch The node's last commissioned settlement cycle
BigInteger:delegateTotal The total number of commissioned nodes
BigInteger:delegateTotalHes Total number of inactive nodes commissioned
BigInteger:delegateRewardTotal Total delegated rewards currently issued by the candidate
Java SDK contract use
CallResponse<List<Node>> baseResponse = nodeContract.getCandidateList().send();
Governance Related ContractsContract interface related to PlatON governance
Load governance contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));long chainId = 201018;Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");ProposalContract proposalContract = ProposalContract.load(web3j, credentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
submitProposalSubmit a Proposal
- Proposal:proposal
TextProposal Proposal.createSubmitTextProposalParam()
- String:verifier Submit verifier
- String:pIDID PIPID
VersionProposal Proposal.createSubmitVersionProposalParam()
- String:verifier Submit verifier
- String:pIDID PIPID
- BigInteger:newVersion updated version
- BigInteger:endVotingRounds Number of voting consensus rounds. Explanation: Suppose that the transaction that submitted the proposal is round1 when the consensus round number is packed into the block, the proposal voting deadline block is high, which is round1 + endVotingRounds, the 230th block height of the consensus round (assuming a consensus round produces block 250, ppos Unveiled 20 blocks high in advance, 250 and 20 are configurable), where 0 <endVotingRounds <= 4840 (about 2 weeks, actual discussion can be calculated based on configuration), and is an integer)
ParamProposal Proposal.createSubmitParamProposalParam()
- String:verifier Submit verifier
- String:pIDID PIPID
- String:module parameter module
- String:name parameter name
- String:newValue parameter newValue
CancelProposal Proposal.createSubmitCancelProposalParam()
- String:verifier Submit verifier
- String:pIDID PIPID
- BigInteger:endVotingRounds Number of voting consensus rounds. Refer to the description of submitting an upgrade proposal. At the same time, the value of this parameter in this interface cannot be greater than the corresponding
- String:tobeCanceledProposalID Proposal ID to be cancelled
return value
BaseResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: Data response data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Contract use
Proposal proposal = Proposal.createSubmitTextProposalParam(proposalNodeId,"1");
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = proposalContract.submitProposalReturnTransaction(proposal).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = proposalContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
voteVote on proposals
- ProgramVersion: the real version of the ProgramVersion program, managed by the rpc interface admin_getProgramVersion
- VoteOption: voteOption voting type, YEAS in favor, NAYS against, ABSTENTIONS abstaining
- String: proposalID proposal ID
- String: verifier declared node, can only be validator / candidate
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use:
ProgramVersion programVersion = web3j.getProgramVersion().send().getAdminProgramVersion();VoteOption voteOption = VoteOption.YEAS;String proposalID = "";String verifier = "77fffc999d9f9403b65009f1eb27bae65774e2d8ea36f7b20a89f82642a5067557430e6edfe5320bb81c3666a19cf4a5172d6533117d7ebcd0f2c82055499050";
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = proposalContract.voteReturnTransaction(programVersion, voteOption, proposalID, verifier).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = proposalContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
getProposalQuery Proposal
- String: proposalID proposal id
return value
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- Proposal: Data Proposal object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Proposal: Objects that hold information about a single proposal
- String: proposalId
- String: proposer ID of the proposal node
- int: proposalType proposal type, 0x01: text proposal; 0x02: upgrade proposal; 0x03 parameter proposal
- String: piPid proposal PIPID
- BigInteger: submitBlock
- BigInteger: endVotingBlock block height
- BigInteger: newVersion
- BigInteger: ID of the promotion proposal to be canceled by the toBeCanceled proposal
- BigInteger: activeBlock(if the vote passes) the effective block height(endVotingBlock + 20 + 4 250<effective block height<= endVotingBlock + 20 + 10 250)
- String: verifier
Contract use
// Proposal idString proposalID = "";CallResponse<Proposal> baseResponse = proposalContract.getProposal(proposalID).send();
getTallyResultQuery Proposal Results
- String: proposalID proposal ID
return value
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- TallyResult: Data TallyResult object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
TallyResult: Object that holds the results of a single proposal
- String: proposalID
- BigInteger: yeas votes
- BigInteger: nays
- BigInteger: abstentions
- BigInteger: accuVerifiers Total number of validators who have qualified to vote throughout the voting period
- int: status proposal status
- status
- Voting:0x01
- Pass:0x02
- Failed:0x03
- PreActive:0x04
- Active:0x05
- Canceled:0x06
- Contract use
// Proposal idString proposalID ="";CallResponse<TallyResult> baseResponse = proposalContract.getTallyResult(proposalID).send();
getProposalListQuery proposal list
return value
CallResponse<List<Proposal >>
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- List<Proposal>: Data ProposalList object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Proposal: object for saving a single proposal
- String: proposalId
- String: proposer ID of the proposal node
- int: proposalType proposal type, 0x01: text proposal; 0x02: upgrade proposal; 0x03 parameter proposal
- String: piPid proposal PIPID
- BigInteger: submitBlock
- BigInteger: endVotingBlock block height
- BigInteger: newVersion
- String: ID of the promotion proposal to be canceled by the toBeCanceled proposal
- BigInteger: activeBlock(if the vote passes) the effective block height(endVotingBlock + 20 + 4 250<effective block height<= endVotingBlock + 20 + 10 250)
- String: verifier
Contract use
CallResponse<List<Proposal>> baseResponse = proposalContract.getProposalList().send();
declareVersionRelease statement
- ProgramVersion: the real version of the ProgramVersion program, managed by the rpc interface admin_getProgramVersion
- String: verifier declared node, can only be validator / candidate
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
ProgramVersion programVersion = web3j.getProgramVersion().send().getAdminProgramVersion();String verifier = "";
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = proposalContract.declareVersionReturnTransaction(programVersion,verifier).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = proposalContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
getActiveVersionQuery node chain effective version
return value
CallResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: Data response data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Contract use
CallResponse<BigInteger> baseResponse = proposalContract.getActiveVersion().send();ProposalUtils.versionInterToStr(baseResponse.getData());
Double Sign Report Related InterfacePlatON report contract related punishment interface
Load Report Contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));long chainId = 201018;Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");SlashContract contract = SlashContract.load(web3j, credentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
ReportDoubleSignReturnTransactionSubmit a Proposal
- DuplicateSignType: DuplicateSignType enumeration, representing double sign types: prepareBlock, EprepareVote, viewChange
- String: data json value of a single evidence, format refer to [RPC interface Evidences](# evidences_interface)
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
String data = ""; // Report evidencePlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = slashContract.reportDoubleSignReturnTransaction(DuplicateSignType.PREPARE_BLOCK, data).send();
TransactionResponse baseResponse = slashContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
CheckDoubleSignQuery whether a node has been reported as oversigned
- DuplicateSignType: DuplicateSignType enumeration, representing double sign types: prepareBlock, EprepareVote, viewChange
- String: address of the node reported by address
- BigInteger: blockNumber multi-sign block height
return value
CallResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: Data response data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
Contract use
CallResponse<String> baseResponse = slashContract.checkDoubleSign(DuplicateSignType.PREPARE_BLOCK, "0x4F8eb0B21eb8F16C80A9B7D728EA473b8676Cbb3", BigInteger.valueOf(500L)).send();
Lock Related InterfacePlatON report contract related punishment interface
Loading The Hedging Contract//Java 8Web3j web3j = HttpService("http://localhost:6789"));long chainId = 201018;Credentials credentials = WalletUtils.loadCredentials("password", "/path/to/walletfile");RestrictingPlanContract contract = RestrictingPlanContract.load(web3j, credentials, chainId);
Interface Description#
CreateRestrictingPlanCreate Lockup Plan
- String: address lock position is released to the account
- List<RestrictingPlan>: plan Locked plan list(array)
- epoch: indicates a multiple of the settlement cycle. The product of the number of blocks produced per settlement cycle indicates the release of locked funds at the height of the target block. If account is the incentive pool address, the period value is a multiple of 120(that is, 30 * 4). In addition, period, the number of blocks per cycle must be at least greater than the highest irreversible block height.
- amount: indicates the amount to be released on the target block.
return value
TransactionResponse: General Response Packet
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
- TransactionReceipt:transactionReceipt Receipt of the transaction
Contract use
List<RestrictingPlan> restrictingPlans = new ArrayList<>();restrictingPlans.add(new RestrictingPlan(BigInteger.valueOf(100), new BigInteger("100000000000000000000")));restrictingPlans.add(new RestrictingPlan(BigInteger.valueOf(200), new BigInteger("200000000000000000000")));
PlatonSendTransaction platonSendTransaction = restrictingPlanContract.createRestrictingPlanReturnTransaction(restrictingRecvCredentials.getAddress(), restrictingPlans).send();TransactionResponse baseResponse = restrictingPlanContract.getTransactionResponse(platonSendTransaction).send();
GetRestrictingInfoGet Locked Up Plan
- String: address lock position is released to the account
return value
CallResponse<RestrictingItem> baseResponse
CallResponse<RestrictingItem> description
- int: Code result identification, 0 is success
- RestrictingItem: Data RestrictingItem object data
- String: ErrMsg error message, exists on failure
RestrictingItem: save lock information object
- BigInteger: balance
- BigInteger: pledge pledge / mortgage amount
- BigInteger: debt release amount due
- List<RestrictingInfo>: info lock entry information
RestrictingInfo: Object that saves information of a single lock entry
- BigInteger: blockNumber releases block height
- BigInteger: amount released
Contract use
CallResponse<RestrictingItem> baseResponse = restrictingPlanContract.getRestrictingInfo(restrictingRecvCredentials.getAddress()).send();
Solidity Contract CallWhen deploying a Solidity smart contract on the blockchain, it must first be compiled into a bytecode format and then sent as part of the transaction. The Java SDK will help you generate a Java wrapper class for Solidity smart contracts, which can easily deploy Solidity smart contracts and call transaction methods, events, and constant methods in Solidity smart contracts.
Compile Solidity Source Code- Compile solidity source code with
compiler, please download the corresponding solc compiler version according to the compiler version declared in the contract(solc download):
$ solc <contract>.sol --bin --abi --optimize -o <output-dir>/
,Output a hex-encoded solidity binary file to provide transaction requests.
,Output a solidity application binary interface (ABI
) file, which details all publicly accessible contract methods and their related parameters. The abi
file is also used to generate the Java wrapper class corresponding to the solidity smart contract.
- Compile solidity source code with
(platon-truffle development tool installation reference|platon-truffle Development tool manual):
step1. Initialize the project with platon-truffle
Initialize a project on the server where platon-truffle is installed。mkdir HelloWorldcd HelloWorldtruffle initPrompt indicates success:
✔ Preparing to download ✔ Downloading ✔ Cleaning up temporary files ✔ Setting up box
Unbox successful. Sweet!
Compile: truffle compile Migrate: truffle migrate Test contracts: truffle test
step2. Put HelloWorld.sol in
guest@guest:~/HelloWorld/contracts$ lsHelloWorld.sol Migrations.sol
step3. Modify truffle-config.js file and change the compiler version to "^ 0.5.13"
compilers: { solc: { version: "^0.5.13", // Fetch exact version from solc-bin (default: truffle's version) // docker: true, // Use "0.5.1" you've installed locally with docker (default: false) // settings: { // See the solidity docs for advice about optimization and evmVersion // optimizer: { // enabled: false, // runs: 200 // }, // evmVersion: "byzantium" } }}
step4. Execute truffle compile to compile the contract
guest@guest:~/HelloWorld$ truffle compile
Compiling your contracts...
Compiling ./contracts/HelloWorld.sol Compiling ./contracts/Migrations.sol
compilation warnings encountered:
Warning: This is a pre-release compiler version, please do not use it in production.
Artifacts written to /home/guest/hudenian/HelloWorld/build/contracts Compiled successfully using: solc: 0.5.13-develop.2020.1.2+commit.9ff23752.mod.Emscripten.clang
step5. extract
Put the abi attribute in ./build/contracts/HelloWorld.json into the HelloWorld.abi filePut the bytecode attribute in ./build/contracts/HelloWorld.json into the HelloWorld.bin file (need to remove the beginning of 0x)
Solidity Smart Contract Java Packaging ClassThe Java SDK supports automatic generation of Java wrapper classes for Solidity smart contracts from an abi
- Generate Java wrapper classes via command line tools(platon-web3j download):
$ alaya-web3j solidity generate [--javaTypes|--solidityTypes] /path/to/<smart-contract>.bin /path/to/<smart-contract>.abi -o /path/to/src/main/java -p
- Directly call the tool class in the Java SDK to generate a Java wrapper class:
// Import console module via maven or gradlecompile "com.platon.client:console:{version}"
String args[] = {"generate", "/path/to/<smart-contract>.bin", "/path/to/<smart-contract>.abi", "-o", "/path/to/src/main/java", "-p" , ""};;
The bin
and abi
files are generated after compiling the solidity source code.
The main functions supported by the Java wrapper class corresponding to the Solidity smart contract:
- Build and deploy
- Determine contract validity
- Invoking transactions and events
- Call constant method
Building And Deploying Smart ContractsThe construction and deployment of smart contracts use the deploy method in the wrapper class:
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.deploy( <web3j>, <transactionManager>, contractGasProvider, chainId [<initialValue>,] <param1>, ..., <paramN>).send();
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.deploy( <web3j>, <Credentials>, contractGasProvider, chainId [<initialValue>,] <param1>, ..., <paramN>).send();
This method will deploy smart contracts on the blockchain. After successful deployment, it will return a wrapper class instance of the smart contract, which contains the address of the smart contract.
If your smart contract accepts LAT transfers on the structure, you need to initialize the parameter value <initialValue>.
You can also create an instance of the Java wrapper class corresponding to the smart contract by using the address of the smart contract:
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.load( "<bech32Address>", web3j, transactionManager, contractGasProvider, chainId);
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.load( "<bech32Address>", web3j, credentials, contractGasProvider, chainId);
Smart Contract ValidityUsing this method, the validity of the smart contract can be verified. True
will only be returned if the bytecode deployed in the contract address matches the bytecode in the smart contract package.
contract.isValid(); // returns false if the contract bytecode does not match what's deployed // at the provided address
TransactionManagerThe Java SDK provides a transaction manager TransactionManager
to control how you connect to the PlatON client. RawTransactionManager
is used by default.
needs to specify the chain ID. Prevent transactions on one chain from being rebroadcasted to another chain:
TransactionManager transactionManager = new RawTransactionManager(web3j, credentials, 100L);
In addition to RawTransactionManager
, the Java SDK also provides a client transaction manager ClientTransactionManager
, which will hand over your transaction signing work to the PlatON client you are connecting to.
In addition, there is a ReadonlyTransactionManager
, which is used to query data from the smart contract only and not to trade with it.
GasProviderThe handling fee of the contract is set through GasProvider
, because the gas consumption of the contract is dynamic and related to the logic of the contract. It is recommended to use a larger value for the first deployment call, such as 999999. Later adjust according to the actual situation.
BigInteger GAS_LIMIT = BigInteger.valueOf(999999);BigInteger GAS_PRICE = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000L);
GasProvider gasProvider = new ContractGasProvider(GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT);
Invoking Transactions And EventsFor all transactions methods, only the transaction receipt associated with the transaction is returned.
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = contract.someMethod(<param1>, ...).send();
With transaction receipts, you can extract indexed and non-indexed event parameters.
List<SomeEventResponse> events = contract.getSomeEvents(transactionReceipt);
Alternatively, you can use Observable filters to listen to events associated with smart contracts:
contract.someEventObservable(startBlock, endBlock).subscribe(event -> ...);
Call Constant MethodConstant methods only do queries without changing the state of the smart contract.
Type result = contract.someMethod(<param1>, ...).send();
WASM Contract CallWhen deploying a WASM smart contract on the blockchain, it must first be compiled into a bytecode format and then sent as part of the transaction. The Java SDK will help you generate a Java wrapper class for WASM smart contracts, which can easily deploy WASM smart contracts and call transaction methods, events, and constant methods in WASM smart contracts.
Compile WASM Source Code- Compile WASM contract source code with
compiler(CDT download):
After the CDT installation is successful, you can compile the WASM contract source code with the following command:
$ platon-cpp <contract>.cpp
After successful compilation, <contract> .wasm
and <contract> .abi.json
files will be generated.
,Output binary file of WASM contract to provide transaction request.
,Which details all publicly accessible contract methods and their related parameters. The abi
file is also used to generate the Java wrapper class corresponding to the WASM smart contract.
- Compile WASM source code with
(platon-truffle development tool installation reference|platon-truffle Development tool manual)
WASM Smart Contract Java Packaging ClassThe Java SDK supports automatic generation of Java wrapper classes for WASM smart contracts from an abi
- Generate Java wrapper classes via command line tools:
$ alaya-web3j wasm generate /path/to/<smart-contract>.wasm /path/to/<smart-contract>.abi.json -o /path/to/src/main/java -p
- Directly call the tool class in the Java SDK to generate a Java wrapper class:
String args[] = {"generate", "/path/to/<smart-contract>.wasm", "/path/to/<smart-contract>.abi.json", "-o", "/path/to/src/main/java", "-p" , ""};;
The wasm
and abi.json
files are generated after compiling the WASM contract source code.
The main functions supported by the Java wrapper class corresponding to the WASM smart contract:
- Build and deploy
- Determine contract validity
- Invoking transactions and events
- Call constant method
Building And Deploying Smart ContractsThe construction and deployment of smart contracts use the deploy method in the wrapper class:
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.deploy( <web3j>, <transactionManager>, contractGasProvider, chainId, [<initialValue>,] <param1>, ..., <paramN>).send();
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.deploy( <web3j>, <Credentials>, contractGasProvider, chainId, [<initialValue>,] <param1>, ..., <paramN>).send();
This method will deploy smart contracts on the blockchain. After successful deployment, it will return a wrapper class instance of the smart contract, which contains the address of the smart contract.
If your smart contract accepts LAT transfers on the structure, you need to initialize the parameter value <initialValue>.
You can also create an instance of the Java wrapper class corresponding to the smart contract by using the address of the smart contract:
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.load( "<bech32Address>", web3j, transactionManager, contractGasProvider,chainId);
YourSmartContract contract = YourSmartContract.load( "<bech32Address>", web3j, credentials, contractGasProvider,chainId);
Smart Contract ValidityUsing this method, the validity of the smart contract can be verified. True
will only be returned if the bytecode deployed in the contract address matches the bytecode in the smart contract package.
contract.isValid(); // returns false if the contract bytecode does not match what's deployed // at the provided address
TransactionManagerThe Java SDK provides a transaction manager TransactionManager
to control how you connect to the PlatON client. RawTransactionManager
is used by default.
needs to specify the chain ID. Prevent transactions on one chain from being rebroadcasted to another chain:
TransactionManager transactionManager = new RawTransactionManager(web3j, credentials, 100L);
In addition to RawTransactionManager
, the Java SDK also provides a client transaction manager ClientTransactionManager
, which will hand over your transaction signing work to the PlatON client you are connecting to.
In addition, there is a ReadonlyTransactionManager
, which is used to query data from the smart contract only and not to trade with it.
GasProviderThe handling fee of the contract is set through GasProvider
, because the gas consumption of the contract is dynamic and related to the logic of the contract. It is recommended to use a larger value for the first deployment call, such as 999999. Later adjust according to the actual situation.
BigInteger GAS_LIMIT = BigInteger.valueOf(999999);BigInteger GAS_PRICE = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000000L);
GasProvider gasProvider = new ContractGasProvider(GAS_PRICE, GAS_LIMIT);
Invoking Transactions And EventsFor all transactions methods, only the transaction receipt associated with the transaction is returned.
TransactionReceipt transactionReceipt = contract.someMethod(<param1>, ...).send();
With transaction receipts, you can extract indexed and non-indexed event parameters.
List<SomeEventResponse> events = contract.getSomeEvents(transactionReceipt);
Alternatively, you can use Observable filters to listen to events associated with smart contracts:
contract.someEventObservable(startBlock, endBlock).subscribe(event -> ...);
Call Constant MethodConstant methods only do queries without changing the state of the smart contract.
Type result = contract.someMethod(<param1>, ...).send();