概要在区块链系统中,基于任何一条公链系统开发智能合约都涉及资源支出的开发成本。例如,在网络上部署/调用智能合约,质押/委托等操作都需要花费一定的成本,不同的区块链网络开发成本不一样,在 Alaya
网络中运行着两种虚拟机 EVM 和 WASM,在不同虚拟机上上开发智能合约的成本也是不一样的。本手册将重点介绍使用 WASN
虚拟机涉及到的成本使用,本文将用表格的形式对比小型合约、中型合约和大型合约的不同开发成本,同时将 Alaya
功能的合约作为小型测试合约,中型合约示例将使用一个开源的微博客合约,而大型合约则是一个符合 ERC20
资源消耗简单 set/get 合约
系统 | 合约级别 | 合约大小 | 消耗 Gas | Gas 单价 | 能量损耗 | 备注 |
Alaya-EVM | 小型合约 | 0.3 kb | 76953 | 5,000,000,000 VON | 384765 gVON | 0.000384765 ATP |
Ethereum | 小型合约 | 0.3 kb | 127173 | 5,000,000,000 wei | 635865 Gwei | 0.000635865 ETH |
Alaya-WASM | 小型合约 | 13.55 kb | 184043 | 5,000,000,000 VON | 920215 gVON | 0.000920215 ATP |
系统 | 合约级别 | 合约大小 | 消耗 Gas | Gas 单价 | 能量损耗 | 备注 |
Alaya-EVM | 中型合约 | 2.08 kb | 257065 | 5,000,000,000 VON | 1285325 gVON | 0.001285325 ATP |
Ethereum | 中型合约 | 2.08 kb | 621385 | 5,000,000,000 wei | 3106925 Gwei | 0.003106925 ETH |
Alaya-WASM | 中型合约 | 30.07 kb | 349713 | 5,000,000,000 VON | 1748565 gVON | 0.001748565 ATP |
ERC20 标准 Token
系统 | 合约级别 | 合约大小 | 消耗 Gas | Gas 单价 | 能量损耗 | 备注 |
Alaya-EVM | 大型合约 | 4.45 kb | 552823 | 5,000,000,000 VON | 2764115 gVON | 0.002764115 ATP |
Ethereum | 大型合约 | 4.45 kb | 1282171 | 5,000,000,000 wei | 6410855 Gwei | 0.006410855 ETH |
Alaya-WASM | 大型合约 | 35.9 kb | 486274 | 5,000,000,000 VON | 2431370 gVON | 0.00243137 ATP |
简单 set/get 合约EVM 示例代码
pragma solidity ^0.4.12;
contract SimpleTest {
uint public age;
function setAge(uint _input) public { age = _input; }
function getAge() public constant returns (uint) { return age; }}
字节大小:311 byte => 0.3 kb
WASM 示例代码
#include <platon/platon.hpp>#include <string>using namespace platon;
CONTRACT SimpleStorage: public platon::Contract{ public: ACTION void init(){}
ACTION void set(uint64_t input) { storedData.self() = input; }
CONST uint64_t get() { return storedData.self(); }
private: platon::StorageType<"sstored"_n, uint64_t> storedData;};
字节大小:13882 byte => 13.55 kb
- Gas 消耗: 76953
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 384765
- Gas 消耗: 127173
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 635865
- Gas 消耗: 184043
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 920215
微博客合约EVM 示例代码
字节大小: 2130.5 byte => 2.08 kb
WASM 示例代码
#include <platon/platon.hpp>#include <string>using namespace platon;
// data structure of a single tweet.struct Tweet{
public: uint64_t timestamp; std::string tweetString;
public: Tweet(){} Tweet(uint64_t ×tamp, const std::string &tweet):timestamp(timestamp), tweetString(tweet) { }
public: PLATON_SERIALIZE(Tweet, (timestamp)(tweetString))};
CONTRACT TweetAccount: public platon::Contract{ private: // "array" of all tweets of this account: maps the tweet id to the actual tweet. platon::StorageType<"smapping"_n, std::map<std::uint64_t, Tweet>> _tweets; // total number of tweets in the above _tweets mapping. platon::StorageType<"suint"_n, uint64_t> _numberOfTweets; // "owner" of this account: only admin is allowed to tweet. platon::StorageType<"saddress"_n, Address> _adminAddress;
public: ACTION void init() { _numberOfTweets.self() = 0; _adminAddress.self() = platon::platon_caller(); }
// returns true if caller of function("sender") is admin. CONST bool isAdmin(){ return platon::platon_caller() == _adminAddress.self(); }
// create new tweet ACTION int64_t tweet(const std::string& tweetString) { int64_t result = 0; if(!isAdmin()){ // only owner is allowed to create tweets for this account. result = -1; } else if (tweetString.length() > 160) { // tweet contains more than 160 bytes. result = -2; } else { _tweets.self()[_numberOfTweets].timestamp = platon_timestamp(); _tweets.self()[_numberOfTweets].tweetString = tweetString; _numberOfTweets.self() = _numberOfTweets.self() + 1; result = 0; // success. } return result; }
CONST std::string getTweet(uint64_t tweetId){ // returns two values std::string tweetString = _tweets.self()[tweetId].tweetString; uint64_t timestamp = _tweets.self()[tweetId].timestamp; return tweetString; }
CONST std::string getLatestTweet() { // returns three values. std::string tweetString = _tweets.self()[_numberOfTweets.self() - 1].tweetString; uint64_t timestamp = _tweets.self()[_numberOfTweets.self() - 1].timestamp; uint64_t numberOfTweets = _numberOfTweets.self(); return tweetString; }
CONST Address getOwnerAddress() { return _adminAddress.self(); }
CONST uint64_t getNumberOfTweets() { return _numberOfTweets.self(); }
ACTION void adminRetrieveDonations(const Address& receiver) { if(isAdmin()){ Address caddr = platon_address(); Energon e = platon_balance(caddr); platon_transfer(receiver, e); } }
CONST Address caddr(){ return platon_address(); }
CONST std::string caddrBalance(Address receiver){ //Address caddr = platon_address(); Energon e = platon_balance(receiver); return std::to_string(e.Get()); }
ACTION void adminDeleteAccount(){ if(isAdmin()){ // this is a predefined function, it deletes theh contract and returns all funds to the owner. platon_destroy(_adminAddress.self()); } }};
字节大小: 30788
byte => 30.07 kb`
- Gas 消耗: 257065
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 1285325
- Gas 消耗: 621385
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 3106925
- Gas 消耗: 349713
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 1748565
ERC20 标准 token 合约EVM 示例代码
字节大小: 4557.5 byte => 4.45 kb
WASM 示例代码
#include <platon/platon.hpp>#include <string>using namespace platon;
class Token { public: // total amount of tokens platon::StorageType<"totalsupply"_n, uint64_t> totalSupply;
public: // event // define: _from, _to, _value PLATON_EVENT2(Transfer, Address, Address, uint64_t); // define: _owner, _spender, _value PLATON_EVENT2(Approval, Address, Address, uint64_t);
public: // @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved // @return The balance. virtual uint64_t balanceOf(Address _owner) = 0;
// @notice send '_value' token to `_to` from `msg.sender` // @param _to THe address of the recipient. // @param _value The amount of token to be transferred. // @return Whether the transfer was successful or not. virtual bool transfer(Address _to, uint64_t _value) = 0;
// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` // @param _from The address of the sender. // @param _to The address of the recepient. // @param _value The amount of token to be transferred. // @return Whether the transfer was successful or not. virtual bool transferFrom(Address _from, Address _to, uint64_t _value) = 0;
// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens // @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens // @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer // @return Whether thee approval was successful or not. virtual bool approve(Address _spender, uint64_t _value) = 0;
// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens // @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens // @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent. virtual uint64_t allowance(Address _owner, Address _spender) = 0;};
// You should inherit from StandardTOken or, for a token like you would want// to deploy in something like MIst, see HumanStandardToken.cpp.// (This implements ONLY the standard functions and NOTHING else.// If you deploy this, you won't have anthing useful.)class StandardToken: public Token{ protected: platon::StorageType<"balances"_n, std::map<Address, uint64_t>> balances; platon::StorageType<"allowed"_n, std::map<Address, std::map<Address, uint64_t>>> allowed;
public: CONST uint64_t balanceOf(Address _owner) { return balances.self()[_owner]; }
ACTION bool transfer(Address _to, uint64_t _value){ // Default assumes totalSupply can't be over max(2^64 - 1) // If your token leaves out totalSupply and can issue more tokens as time goes on, // you need to check if it doesn't wrap. // Replace the if with this on instead. Address sender = platon_caller(); if (balances.self()[sender] >= _value && _value > 0) { balances.self()[sender] -= _value; balances.self()[_to] += _value; PLATON_EMIT_EVENT2(Transfer, sender, _to, _value); return true; } else { return false; } }
ACTION bool transferFrom(Address _from, Address _to, uint64_t _value) { // same as above. Replace this line with the following if you want to protect against // wrapping uints. Address sender = platon_caller(); if(balances.self()[_from] >= _value && allowed.self()[_from][sender] >= _value && _value > 0){ balances.self()[_to] += _value; balances.self()[_from] -= _value; PLATON_EMIT_EVENT2(Transfer, _from, _to, _value); return true; } else { return false; } }
ACTION bool approve(Address _spender, uint64_t _value){ Address sender = platon_caller(); allowed.self()[sender][_spender] = _value; PLATON_EMIT_EVENT2(Approval, sender, _spender, _value); return true; }
CONST uint64_t allowance(Address _owner, Address _spender){ return allowed.self()[_owner][_spender]; }};
CONTRACT LATToken: public platon::Contract, public StandardToken{
public: platon::StorageType<"name"_n, std::string> name; // fancy name: eg PlatON Token platon::StorageType<"decimals"_n, uint8_t> decimals; // HOw many decimals to show. platon::StorageType<"symbol"_n, std::string> symbol; // An identifier: eg LTT platon::StorageType<"version"_n, std::string> version; // 0.1 standard. Just an arbitrary versioning scheme.
public: ACTION void init(uint64_t _initialAmount, const std::string& _tokenName, uint8_t _decimalUnits, const std::string& _tokenSymbol) { Address sender = platon_caller(); balances.self()[sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens. totalSupply.self() = _initialAmount; // Update total supply. name.self() = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes decimals.self() = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes symbol.self() = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes. }
CONST std::string getName(){ return name.self(); }
CONST uint8_t getDecimals(){ return decimals.self(); }
CONST std::string getSymbol(){ return symbol.self(); }
CONST uint64_t getTotalSupply(){ return totalSupply.self(); }
// Approves and then calls the receiving contract. ACTION bool approveAndCall(Address _spender, uint64_t _value, const bytes& _extraData) { Address sender = platon_caller(); allowed.self()[sender][_spender] = _value; PLATON_EMIT_EVENT2(Approval, sender, _spender, _value); // call the receiveApproval function on the contract you want to be notified. This // crafts the function signature manually so one doesn't have to include a contract // in here just for this. // define: receiveApproval(Address _from, uint64_t _value, Address _tokenContract, bytes& _extraDaa) // it is assumed that when does this that the call should succeed. return true; }};
字节大小: 36764 byte => 35.9 kb
- Gas 消耗: 552823
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 2764115
- Gas 消耗: 1282171
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 6410855
- Gas 消耗: 486274
- Gas 单价: 5,000,000,000 (5
) - 总成本: 2431370